Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a very serious worldwide respiratory disease of poultry, with many countries reporting ILT infections over the last decade. However, few reports are available regarding ILT disease prevalence in poultry in Turkey. Accordingly, the present study investigated ILT infection in Turkish broiler flocks between 2018 and 2022. Circulating ILT strains were characterized by sequence and phylogenetic analysis of two fragments of the infected-cell protein 4 gene. ILT virus (ILTV) was confirmed by quantitative PCR in 8 of the 21 flocks examined. As in other diseases, co-infections with other respiratory pathogens in confirmed ILT cases may worsen the symptoms and prolong the disease course. The present study confirmed co-infections with infectious bronchitis virus (13/21 tested flocks and 5/8 ILTV-positive flocks), indicating the importance of these pathogens in the occurrence of ILT infections.

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