Despite being a disease known to affect poultry for well over 100 years, several aspects of erysipelas, caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, are still poorly understood. For many years, erysipelas in poultry was considered a disease of interest primarily in turkeys, with only a few cases reported in chickens and other poultry species. However, since the change of housing systems for layers from conventional battery cages to litter-based systems, sometimes with access to the outdoors, there has been an increase in the number of outbreaks, especially in Europe, and erysipelas is now considered to be an emerging disease in layers. The aim of this review is therefore to provide a summary background on erysipelas in general, as well as in other poultry species, after which the focus is directed to the disease in chickens, with special emphasis on recent advances in knowledge on immune responses.

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