The study aims to build a digital geographic information base that provides basic information for effective management of water resources and the development of sustainable strategies for preserving the water basin. The study relied on a quantitative analytical approach by conducting measurements and mathematical equations and relying on Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The area of the basin is 512.10 km2, its length is 42.67 km, 19.02 km2 in width, and the periphery is 141.68 km2. The basin takes a rectangular shape with a ratio of 0.6, with 0.28 shape factor. The relief rate reached 7.63 m/km, the roughness value also reached 0.73, the basin consists of 2,115 streams located in six ranks, with a total length of about 1,155 km. As for the density of the lengths of the waterways and the density of their numbers, they reached 2,255 km/km2 and 546 streams/km2.

The study recommends establishing a hydrometric monitoring station and linking it with the relevant ministries and departments, as well as expanding agricultural projects using modern geographic techniques that provide sufficient information to manage the water basin and enhance understanding of the hydromorphometric behavior of the Huraymila Basin and other basins with similar characteristics.

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