The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act became effective on January 1, 2018 and will likely impact the value of various entities and intangible assets. This may necessitate changes in our practice application to value these entities and assets. The Business Valuation Committee is studying the new tax law to determine (1) the value impact and (2) changes to applied procedures as necessary. I have appointed a Tax Reform Task Force, chaired by Will Frazier, ASA, to study these issues and present recommended solutions. The task force, comprised of thought leaders within BV, will likely solicit opinions from various valuation scholars and academics. As recommendations are developed, they will be communicated by ASA's Business Valuation Committee. If you have thoughts you wish to share with the task force, please contact Will at [email protected]

Substantial progress has been made over the last several weeks toward finalizing the quality control (QC) aspect of...

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