Editorial Comment. — David Herbert Lawrence [1885–1930] was a prominent but controversial classic English author and poet who published six long poems on tortoises in 1921, based on his personal observations of captive animals in a garden in Florence, Italy, in September 1920. The tortoises were probably Hermann's tortoises, Testudo hermanni. The poems describe the anthropomorphized behaviors of these captive tortoises, from the life of a hatchling (“Baby Tortoise” as reprinted above), through a description of shell morphology (“Tortoise Shell”), tortoise behavior (“Tortoise Family Connections”), courtship (“Lui et Elle”), mating (“Tortoise Gallantry”), and male vocalizations during copulation (“Tortoise Shout”). Lawrence presents a veritable life history of tortoise behaviors in a delightful old English style. All the poems are worthy of reading and enjoying, and I urge you all to explore them more fully—his views of tortoise behaviors and their meanings and his wonderful descriptions make for fascinating reading....
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1 June 2010
Turtle Poetry|
June 01 2010
D. H. Lawrence; Baby Tortoise. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1 June 2010; 9 (1): 143–144. doi: https://doi.org/10.2744/1071-8443-9.1.143
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