Author Information
Chelonian Conservation and Biology is a biannual peer-reviewed journal of cosmopolitan and broad-based coverage of all aspects of conservation and biology of all chelonians, including freshwater turtles, marine turtles, and tortoises. Manuscripts may cover any aspects of turtle and tortoise research, with a preference for conservation or biology. Manuscripts dealing with conservation biology, systematic relationships, chelonian diversity, geographic distribution, natural history, ecology, reproduction, morphology and natural variation, population status, community conservation initiatives, and human exploitation or conservation management issues are of special interest. Either full-length original research articles or shorter notes and field reports are welcome. Commentaries and reviews of interest to the turtle conservation and research community are also welcome. All manuscripts will be submitted for peer-review to the Editor, who will assign it to a Handling Editor for management of the external review process.
Please see our Submission Guidelines and the CCB Ethics Policy. Authors: download the Copyright Assignment and Author Disclosure Form.
Publication Charges
- Page charges - CRF depends on the payment of page charges to offset the cost of publication. Payment of $100/printed page is required unless submitting authors are granted a page charge waiver or discount. If requested, CCB may discount or waive these charges to those authors without institutional support. Page charge discount requests must be made at the time of initial manuscript submission.
- Open access – CCB offers an open access option to all authors. Articles with 1-4 printed pages are charged $1,500; articles with five or more printed pages are charged $2,000. Open access articles appear in both CCB Online and BioOne. Open access fees are in lieu of regular page charges; however, additional charges, e.g., color figures and excessive page proof changes, are the financial responsibility of the authors. Articles published open access in CCB will be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA license, which means the article may be reused with proper attribution for non-commercial use. Any remix or transformed version of the content must be distributed under the same license as the original. More information on the CC-BY-NC-SA license can be found at here.
- Color Charges - Publication of color photos or figures are encouraged if authors agree to pay color publication fees. Color photos and figures in the online and PDF version are $75/figure. Color photos and figures published in the hard-copy print version are $600 for the first color figure and $450 for each additional color figure. Printed color photos and figures are also published in the online and PDF version.
- Correction Charges - Authors are allowed to make up to five corrections in their page proofs. If an author makes more than five corrections, they will be charged $5/correction. This may include changes resulting from a copy editor’s query.
PDF proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, who should send corrections as soon as the PDF is received. These corrections should be returned to the Allen Press Managing Editor, Eleanor Lohmann, Allen Press, Inc., 810 E. 10th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA, 785-865-9126, [email protected]. Consult the journal’s submission guidelines or contact the Managing Editor for details.
The corresponding author will be sent the final published article PDF upon request. Hard copy reprints are no longer provided and have been phased out of the publishing process.
American Journal Experts
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