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The Long-Term Efficacy of Conventional Treatments for Bynesian Decay
Paul Callomon, Christopher Tyson
Testing of Inexpensive Nitrogen Chambers for Maintenance of Herbarium Specimens
Miriam Kritzer Van Zant, David A. Lightfoot
Evaluating the Ethanol Levels and Storage Containers for Efficient Preservation of Historical Collections at the Museo De La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia
Cristian Cruz-Rodríguez, Julieth Stella Cárdenas, Héctor E. Ramírez-Chaves
An Inexpensive Sample Cataloging and Retrieval Tool for Frozen Tissue Collections Using Powerpoint
Thomas E. Lee, Jr., Madeline L. Walicek
Fungus and Feathers: Combatting a Mold Outbreak in an Ornithological Collection
Pepper W. Trail, Ariel M. Woodward, Johnnie H. French