The “Lacustricola” hutereaui species complex is herein defined by the possession of banded dorsal, anal, and caudal fins in males and also by the pointed premaxilla ascending process, in which the premaxilla medial surface is slightly convex. “Lacustricola” pygmaeus, new species, known from the Okavango, Cuando, and upper Zambezi Rivers, is distinguished from the other species belonging to the “L.” hutereaui species complex by the following exclusive character states: an inconspicuous reticulate pattern on scale margins (vs. conspicuous); banded anal, dorsal, and caudal fin in females (vs. hyaline); faint bands in the middle rays of caudal fin in males (vs. conspicuous bands); rounded caudal fin in males (vs. slender); bright green-blue color in some of the flank scales (vs. absent); quadrate posterior margin with a deep concavity (vs. convex or about straight); and first dorsal-fin ray inserted in a vertical to second and third anal-fin ray (vs. fourth to eighth). Additionally, other morphometric, meristic, and osteological characters in combination proved to be useful in distinguishing the new species. Through the analysis of type material and recently collected specimens, the little known species “L.” chobensis is considered as a valid species and redescribed. It is easily distinguished from the other species belonging to the “L.” hutereaui species complex by a combination of external morphology, osteology, and coloration pattern characters. Comprehensive information on the osteology and external morphology of topotypes of “L.” hutereaui are presented, and description of coloration in life is provided for specimens from the Ubangui River, in the Central African Republic.
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March 29 2021
Revalidation and Redescription of “Lacustricola” chobensis (Fowler, 1935) and Description of a New Miniature Species of “Lacustricola” from Southern Africa (Cyprinodontiformes: Procatopodidae)
Pedro Henrique Negreiros de Bragança;
Pedro Henrique Negreiros de Bragança
1 South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Private Bag 1015, Grahamstown, South Africa 6140; Email: (PHNB) [email protected]; (PHS) [email protected]; (RB) [email protected]; (DT) [email protected]; and (AC) [email protected]. Send reprint requests to PHNB.
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Paul Harvey Skelton;
Paul Harvey Skelton
1 South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Private Bag 1015, Grahamstown, South Africa 6140; Email: (PHNB) [email protected]; (PHS) [email protected]; (RB) [email protected]; (DT) [email protected]; and (AC) [email protected]. Send reprint requests to PHNB.
2 Wild Bird Trust, National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project.
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Roger Bills;
Roger Bills
1 South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Private Bag 1015, Grahamstown, South Africa 6140; Email: (PHNB) [email protected]; (PHS) [email protected]; (RB) [email protected]; (DT) [email protected]; and (AC) [email protected]. Send reprint requests to PHNB.
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Denis Tweddle;
Denis Tweddle
1 South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Private Bag 1015, Grahamstown, South Africa 6140; Email: (PHNB) [email protected]; (PHS) [email protected]; (RB) [email protected]; (DT) [email protected]; and (AC) [email protected]. Send reprint requests to PHNB.
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Albert Chakona
Albert Chakona
1 South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Private Bag 1015, Grahamstown, South Africa 6140; Email: (PHNB) [email protected]; (PHS) [email protected]; (RB) [email protected]; (DT) [email protected]; and (AC) [email protected]. Send reprint requests to PHNB.
3 Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
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Ichthyology & Herpetology (2021) 109 (1): 123–137.
Article history
March 26 2020
October 02 2020
Pedro Henrique Negreiros de Bragança, Paul Harvey Skelton, Roger Bills, Denis Tweddle, Albert Chakona; Revalidation and Redescription of “Lacustricola” chobensis (Fowler, 1935) and Description of a New Miniature Species of “Lacustricola” from Southern Africa (Cyprinodontiformes: Procatopodidae). Ichthyology & Herpetology 1 May 2021; 109 (1): 123–137. doi:
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