Names of degrees and appointments are the official ones at that time; several of these have subsequently changed.
My field of research covers different aspects of fossil and extant fishes with special emphasis on teleosts. These include: (1) careful and exhaustive anatomical and morphological studies as a foundation for dealing with specific taxonomic questions. (2) Studies of ontogenetic development of cartilages and bones and other associated elements. (3) Specific projects dealing with certain anatomical structures and their homologies, which are tested in a phylogenetic framework to understand their evolutionary meaning. The combination of these points plus others permits me to (4) study the possible origin and diversification of certain specific actinopterygian clades based on both fossil and extant evidence and propose hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships. In addition, when it is needed, I collaborate with molecular biologists in proposing phylogenetic hypotheses that, though based mainly on molecular data, need morphological synapomorphies...