C. Warwick, P. C. Arena, and G. M. Burghardt (Eds.). 2023. Springer Nature Press. ISBN 9783030860110. 638 p. $249.99 (hardcover).—

As someone who studies reptiles, and who also engages in reptile keeping as a hobby, I have noticed a void between academic herpetology and reptile keeping. The second edition of Health and Welfare of Captive Reptiles (Warwick et al., 2001) is an example of how we can bridge this gulf. This book is an indispensable resource for any herpetologist, casual reptile keeper, zoo personnel, or herpetoculturist, not only because of the impressive breadth and depth of knowledge assembled, but because of how this book frames reptiles. Rather than being seen as mere objects, the well-being of reptiles, as well as their agentive properties—their ability to exert influence on their owners, rather than as passive objects we collect—is recognized. This book “… offers concepts, principles, and applied information that...

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