KENTWOOD D. WELLS, an extraordinary scientist, herpetologist, and educator, passed away at his home in Storrs, Connecticut, on 23 May 2024, at the age of 76. Kent’s work on frog reproductive behavior was strongly influential in the growth of behavioral ecology and sociobiology as disciplines, and his monumental 2007 book, The Ecology and Behavior ofAmphibians, stands as a legacy of his remarkable mind. Kent spent most of his professional career in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut in Storrs where he served on the faculty from 1977 until his retirement in 2019, including a stint as Department Head from 2007–2013. He was the graduate advisor to 13 Ph.D. and five master’s degree students and advisor to countless undergraduates. He was a close and cherished friend to his colleagues and former students (Fig. 1).

Kent completed his B.A. at Duke University...

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