EL CAMALEÓN EN ANDALUCÍA. DISTRIBUCIÓN ACTUAL Y AMENAZAS PARA SU SUPERVIVENCIA. Jesús Mellado, Lola Giménez, Juan J. Gómez, and Marieta Sanjuán. 2001. Fundación Alcalde Zoilo Ruiz-Mateos, Rota, Spain. 147 p. ISBN 8487960–31–6 (paper).—This Spanish monograph deals with the distribution and conservation status of the common chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) in southern Spain. The main feature of the analysis is a series of computer-generated maps showing the distribution of the species on a variety of scales. These are supplemented with information on variation in seasonal abundance and habitat use. It does not contain a lot of attractive photographs of chameleons, nor does it attempt to review all of the biology of this species. It will appeal mainly to European herpetologists concerned with conservation issues.—K.D.W.

CHINESE FOSSIL VERTEBRATES. Spencer A. Lucas. 2001. Columbia University Press, New York City, New York. ISBN 0-231-09482-X (cloth), 0-231-08483-8 (paper). 320 p. $75.00 (cloth), $45.00 (paper).—This...

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