SHARKS, SKATES, AND RAYS OF THE CAROLINAS. Frank J. Schwartz. 2003. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ISBN 0-8078-5466-2. vii + 161p. $15.95 (paperback).—Regional checklists, as well as faunal guides and descriptions have long remained popular in ichthyology. In North America, regional faunal studies by locales date back to Samuel Latham Mitchill's (1815) “The fishes of New York, described and arranged,” which was followed two to three decades later by David Humphreys Storer's (1839) “Fishes of Massachusetts” and James De Kay's (1842) “Natural History of New York, Part 1, Zoology: Reptiles and Fishes.” Today there are regional fish faunal studies for a large number of states and many Canadian provinces. Regional studies of elasmobranch fishes are less common but are known for California (summarized by Ebert, 2003) and the Carolinas (summarized by Schwartz, 1989). However, with the exceptions of Ebert (2003) and Schwartz (1989),...

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