FROGS OF AUSTRALIA: AN INTRODUCTION TO THEIR CLASSIFICATION, BIOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION. James R. Turner. 2004. Pensoft, Sofia, Bulgaria and Moscow, Russia. ISBN 954-642-197-9. 464 p. €34.50 (hardcover).—This large-format book contains brief species accounts of the frogs of 213 species of Australian frogs, accompanied by a watercolor painting of each species and a color map showing its distribution. This book is intended for a general audience, not for professional herpetologists. Indeed, herpetologists will find little that is new, because the information contained in the species accounts draws heavily on published work such as Harold Cogger's monumental treatise Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia (6th ed., Ralph Curtis Books, 2000). Indeed, the maps appear to be directly copied from Cogger's book, although rendered in color. Species accounts summarize the habitat, distribution, size, description, conservation status, behavior, and development of each Australian frog in about a half page. Unfortunately, as in many herpetology books...

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