The MorphologyNet library houses two types of images: animations of 3D objects (in Windows® Media File [avi] or Quicktime® format); and interactive, dissectable images. Currently, only amphibian images are available, but the library is working on images representing other taxonomic groups, and library members are collaborating with other research teams to accession images representing other animals. Site created and maintained by the Morphological Informatics Group University of Missouri at Rolla. Visit this new website at

Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives have published a new poster illustrating in color the turtles of their state. Designed by Randy Buckham, the poster covers the following taxa (common names as they appear on the poster): Alligator Snapping Turtle, Common Snapping Turtle, Eastern Box Turtle, Mud Turtle, Common Musk Turtle, Eastern Spiny Softshell, Midland Smooth Softshell, Red-Eared Slider, Painted Turtle, River Cooter, Mississippi Map Turtle, Ouachita Map Turtle, False Map Turtle, and Common Map...

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