THE Gilbert Ichthyological Society (GIS) held its 15th annual meeting 8–10 October 2004 at the Mark O. Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon. Resurrected in 1989 from the Gilbert Fisheries Society, a short-lived organiza tion founded in 1931 at the then Department of Fisheries, University of Washington (see Copeia 1931:71), the GIS is named for celebrated ichthyologist Charles Henry Gilbert (1859– 1928), who either by himself or as coauthor (most often with David Starr Jordan) was responsible for the discovery and naming of approximately 117 new genera and about 620 new species of fishes, including about 25% of the fish fauna of Washington and Oregon. The primary purpose of the GIS is to foster communication in the Pacific Northwest concerning all things ichthyological.

The 2004 meeting was attended by some 60 people from Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and California. Andrew P. Kinziger was elected President for the year 2005. Fifteen new...

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