GAIGE Awards are presented annually in honor of Frederick (Dick) and Helen Gaige, both of whom lived during the years 1890–1976. Dick Gaige, an entomologist, was also an avid herpetological collector and was director of the Museum of Zoology at the University of Michigan from 1928–1945. Helen Gaige was a herpetologist with an interest in Neotropical frogs. She served as herpetological editor of Copeia from 1930–1937 and as editor in chief from 1937–1950. This unsurpassed editorial service earned Helen the title of Honorary ASIH President for Herpetology in 1946. The Gaiges showed a lively interest in colleagues and students and, through their helpfulness to others, were a major influence in biology in the United States and on herpetology in particular.

Applications are solicited for grants to be awarded from the Gaige Fund. These funds are used to provide support to young herpetologists for museum or laboratory study, travel, fieldwork, or...

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