Discusses necessity of specifying non-bituminous inhibitory pigmented primers for all applications of coal tar protective coating-systems. Describes tests in which selected primers and coal tar coatings were applied to coke plant areas subject to high atmospheric corrosivity. All systems applied to wire-brushed surfaces, primed or unprimed, failed within one year. The same systems on sandblasted surfaces, with and without primers, are still in satisfactory condition after five years' exposure in the same environment.
Coated panels have been exposed for about four years at Ingleside, Texas, Kure Beach, N. C., and Kearny, N. J. Contrary to expectation, some coatings are weathering faster at Ingleside than at Kearny. Some non-bituminous systems which have already failed in Texas are still in satisfactory condition in New Jersey. Results to date confirm the advisability of specifying coal tar pitch emulsion as the best top coat for coal tar protective coating systems subject to atmospheric exposure. 5.4.5