Many calculated and real polarization curves can reasonably approximate a straight line in the neighborhood of the corrosion potential when the Stern-Geary simplifying assumptions are satisfied. This occurs although the curve exhibits a point of no curvature (point of inflection) which generally lies far from φk in the common case of unequal Tafel slopes. The expected valid range for approximately linear kinetics, moreover, is larger when Tafel slope values are high and close to each other, but not coincident. Overvoltages of about ±10 mV from φk, however, are not such that a satisfactory linearity in any case will be ensured close to The fractional error involved in using a linearization method to calculate the corrosion current density, Ik, was estimated for pure iron and Armco iron electrodes corroding in sulfuric and chloridic media. For the studied Fe/HCl systems, linear kinetics (within 5%) are to be expected over several tens of millivolts from φk. Correspondingly, the error on Ik is very low. For the examined Fe/H2SO4 systems, instead, a reasonable linearity can only occur within a very narrow neighborhood of φk, due to unfavorable Tafel slope values. Even under such a circumstance, however, the error on Ik may be rather low if a suitable linearization method is carried out.

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