The corrosion of alloy materials in the H2S environment has considerably limited the growth of oilfield manufacturing. The sour corrosion of iron has frequently been studied, and steel corrosion under the H2S scheme has been investigated. Many parameters affect the corrosion of carbon steel (CS) in the H2S natural environment, including a concentration of H2S, pH, and the temperature, which has significant impacts on the electrochemical responses of the bare metal surface, the formation, and the nature of the created sulfide scale. The latter could be either protective or nonprotective, depending on the formation conditions. This work presents a full experimental investigation for the initial corrosion events of iron/steel at the free corrosion potential for different periods of time in H2S-saturated solutions of different temperatures where H2S/N2 gas was purged into the solutions. The structure, morphology, composition, depth, and ion-concentration of the sulfide film that is established on the pipeline CS (mild carbon steel) in an acidic sour solution was examined using different bulk and surface techniques, e.g., an optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy.
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1 November 2021
Research Article|
August 09 2021
Formation and Structure of Sulfide Deposits on Carbon Steel Under Free Corrosion Potential
Noora Al-Qahtani;
Noora Al-Qahtani
*Department of Materials, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London, SW1 7AZ, United Kingdom.
**Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, P. O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar.
‡Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].
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Jiahui Qi;
Jiahui Qi
*Department of Materials, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London, SW1 7AZ, United Kingdom.
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Aboubakr M. Abdullah;
Aboubakr M. Abdullah
**Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, P. O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar.
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Nicholas J. Laycock;
Nicholas J. Laycock
***Qatar Shell Research and Technology Centre, Doha, Qatar.
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Mary P. Ryan
Mary P. Ryan
*Department of Materials, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London, SW1 7AZ, United Kingdom.
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CORROSION (2021) 77 (11): 1164–1177.
Noora Al-Qahtani, Jiahui Qi, Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Nicholas J. Laycock, Mary P. Ryan; Formation and Structure of Sulfide Deposits on Carbon Steel Under Free Corrosion Potential. CORROSION 1 November 2021; 77 (11): 1164–1177. doi:
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