Fly ash and limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) are being used in concrete to enhance chloride resistance. In this study, 60 specimens (with steel in three separate binder systems, namely 100% ordinary Portland cement [OPC], 70% OPC + 30% fly ash, and LC3 with surface resistivity of ≈10 kΩ·cm, ≈25 kΩ·cm, and ≈200 kΩ·cm, respectively) were subjected to impressed corrosion, and the results were compared with 15 lollipop steel-mortar specimens subjected to natural corrosion under a wet-dry chloride environment. It was found that the traditional method of impressed corrosion tests can induce microstructural changes in highly resistive concrete cover and at the steel/concrete interface; hence, these methods are not suitable for evaluating corrosion resistance (such as corrosion rate and corrosion-induced cracking) in highly resistive concrete systems. Further, the Raman spectra from the corroded steel surfaces indicated that the impressed corrosion and natural corrosion tests led to different forms of corrosion (i.e., uniform and pitting, respectively) and different compositions of corrosion products (i.e., α-Fe2O3 and β-FeOOH phases). This led to different expansive stresses, making the lab-to-field correlations inappropriate in the case of highly resistive concrete systems. This paper recommends natural corrosion tests exposed to wet-dry conditions and not the impressed corrosion tests for assessing corrosion phenomena of steel in highly resistive concrete systems.
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1 April 2021
Research Article|
January 25 2021
Effect of Test Methods on Corrosion Phenomena of Steel in Highly Resistive Concrete Systems and Data Interpretations
Sripriya Rengaraju;
Sripriya Rengaraju
*Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600036.
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Radhakrishna G. Pillai;
Radhakrishna G. Pillai
*Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600036.
‡Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].
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Ravindra Gettu;
Ravindra Gettu
*Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600036.
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Lakshman Neelakantan
Lakshman Neelakantan
**Corrosion Engineering & Materials Electrochemistry Laboratory, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 600 036.
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CORROSION (2021) 77 (4): 445–459.
Sripriya Rengaraju, Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Ravindra Gettu, Lakshman Neelakantan; Effect of Test Methods on Corrosion Phenomena of Steel in Highly Resistive Concrete Systems and Data Interpretations. CORROSION 1 April 2021; 77 (4): 445–459. doi:
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