The initiation of intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) on Alloy 600 in a simulated pressurized water reactor primary water environment was investigated by the characterization using an electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) on flat tensile specimens subjected to a slow strain rate testing. The IGSCC initiation was evaluated for many grain boundaries in terms of the grain boundary characteristics and the local stress generated at each grain boundary; the latter is estimated by considering the specific slip deformation determined by the Schmid factor of two grains adjacent to a grain boundary. This simplified local stress evaluation for IGSCC susceptibility based on EBSD analysis is introduced for the first time in this study. IGSCC tends to occur as a result of induced tensile stress rather than shear stress at the grain boundary, whereas no IGSCC occurred when compressive stress was applied at the grain boundary. Similar results were observed for both 10% and 20% cold worked (CW) specimens in the stress analysis. It was noted that crack initiation depends not only on the stress at the grain boundary but also on the strain concentrated around the grain boundary for the 20% CW specimen.
Alloy 600 has been widely used as component materials in pressurized water reactors (PWRs), including steam generator (SG) tubes, control rod drive mechanism (CRDM), safe ends, and various instrumentation ports. Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) occurred on Alloy 600 in PWR primary water environments,1-3 resulting in a drastic reduction in the lifetime of components made from the alloy. This has been one of the critical issues faced by the nuclear industry.1,4-5 Although most applications have replaced Alloy 600 with thermally treated Alloy 600 (Alloy 600 TT)6-7 or more Cr containing Alloy 690, there are still some facilities using Alloy 600.6-10 Therefore, extensive efforts have been dedicated to understanding and preventing IGSCC of high nickel alloys including Alloy 600 in the PWR primary water environment. Several mechanisms such as internal oxidation,11-12 hydrogen embrittlement,13-17 and slip dissolution18-20 have been proposed for IGSCC of nickel-based alloys. In addition, it has been reported that stress,7,21-22 grain boundary characteristics,23-24 cold work (CW),25-27 temperature, and dissolved hydrogen (DH) concentration18,28-30 affect IGSCC. Although IGSCC occurs at the grain boundary, cracks do not necessarily initiate at all grain boundaries,31-32 implying that grain boundary characteristics affect the IGSCC susceptibility of high nickel alloys.
Grain boundaries can be classified as random or coincidence site lattice (CSL) boundaries. It is well known that Σ3 boundaries exhibit superior resistance to IGSCC.33-35 Gertsman and Bruemmer examined the grain boundary characteristics of austenitic alloys and concluded that only coherent twin Σ3 boundaries can be considered as special grain boundaries, and twin interactions with random boundaries may suppress crack propagation.36 Crawford and Was demonstrated that CSL boundaries in Alloy 600 are more resistant to cracks than other boundaries in argon or highly deaerated pure water.37 Moreover, Alexandreanu and Was reported that grain boundary deformation behaved as a precursor of IGSCC on a Ni-based alloy in high-temperature water.35 Hou, et al., showed that the grain boundary deformation and crack growth rate increased on a 20% CW specimen owing to the nonuniform strain concentration induced by the slip deformation and high dislocation density.27 In addition to the above-mentioned results and discussion, mechanisms such as intergranular oxidation that have been developed from the internal oxidation model proposed by Scott, et al.,11,-12 and hydrogen embrittlement have been related to the grain boundary characteristics. Bertali, et al., reported that variations in the morphology of the oxidized surface of Alloy 600 were observed at triple points of grain boundaries and at the intersection of twin and high-angle grain boundaries, indicating that the grain boundary characteristics are important in the oxidation susceptibility.38 Furthermore, the preferential intergranular oxide penetration was reported to occur along the newly migrated and solute-depleted grain boundary rather than the original grain boundary.39 In contrast, the grain boundary characteristics have been reported to affect hydrogen segregation, leading to crack initiation. The molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation for Ni indicated that boundaries vicinal to the coherent twin exhibited significant changes in the structure of the boundary as well as the amount of segregated hydrogen.40 The effect of hydrogen on the resistance of CSL boundaries against crack initiation was controversial. Seita, et al., indicated that coherent twin boundaries were most susceptible to crack initiation.41 In contrast, Bechlte, et al., reported that the increase in the fraction of twin boundary enhanced the tensile ductility and fracture toughness when the hydrogen concentration in commercially pure nickel was ranged from 1,200 ppm and 3,400 ppm.42 Seita, et al., further examined crack initiation at coherent twin boundaries in hydrogen-charged Alloy 725 crytstallographically, focusing on the angle between the coherent twin boundary plane normal and the tensile axis as well as the smallest angle between a <110>-type direction in the coherent twin boundary plane and the steepest direction along the coherent twin boundary plane. They analyzed data using the Kullback-Leibler divergence and proposed probabilistic failure criteria.43 Conversely, grain boundary fracture is known to be triggered by the stress operating at the grain boundary. Therefore, both the grain boundary characteristics, as well as stress operating at grain boundary, may affect the crack initiation on Alloy 600.
The authors of this article also studied IGSCC of Alloy 600 in a simulated PWR primary environment to correlate IGSCC initiation with the grain boundary characteristics. We reported for the first time that IGSCC initiated on a flat tensile specimen of mill-annealed Alloy 600 in less than 50 h in a simulated PWR primary water environment by a slow strain rate testing (SSRT), if the specimen surface was finished with colloidal silica suspension.44-45 Then many crack initiations were characterized by a field emission-scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) equipped with an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) apparatus. The results were statistically analyzed to reveal that the crack initiation probability exhibited a maximum for grain boundaries with a mis-orientation angle of 30° to 40°.44-45 Furthermore, the angle between the tensile-axis and grain-boundary plane was determined by FE-SEM and EBSD measurements at successive depths which were achieved by repeated gentle polishing and FE-SEM/EBSD observations. Through the above-mentioned experiments, we found that IGSCC tends to occur at grain boundaries with an approximate 40° grain-boundary plane angle, regardless of the misorientation angle as well as the type of grain boundary (random or CSL).45 However, in polycrystalline alloys, homogeneously loaded remote stress induces slip deformation in grains owing to shear stresses acting on a slip plane along a slip direction determined by the Schmid law in each grain. Therefore, the stress at the grain boundary is generated by the shear stresses in adjacent grains; that is, the stress generated at each grain boundary depends on the slip deformations of adjacent grains. To the best of our knowledge, IGSCC initiation, not limited on Alloy 600, has not been characterized experimentally in terms of the stress operating at the grain boundary.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of grain boundary characteristics and stress operating at grain boundaries on the IGSCC susceptibility of Alloy 600 in a simulated PWR primary water environment. We characterized the crystal orientation of many grains by using an EBSD, then determined the slip deformation direction of each grain and estimated the stress generated at the common grain boundary adjacent to the two grains. The results were statistically analyzed to discuss the IGSCC initiation mechanism.
Flat tensile Alloy 600 specimens of 2 mm thickness with a gauge section of 4 mm width and 10 mm length were fabricated from alloy sheets which were subjected to mill-annealing and subsequent CW with the reduction rates of 10% and 20%. The chemical composition of the alloy was as follows (mass%): C: 0.01, Si: 0.31, Mn: 0.36, Ni: 75.01, Cr: 15.71, Fe: 7.35, P: 0.009, and S: < 0.001. The surface of the specimens was ground using SiC abrasive papers up to #2000, and then polished with 9 μm and 1/4 μm diamond pastes, followed by mirror-finishing using a colloidal silica suspension for 20 min. This surface treatment could result in crack initiation on the Alloy 600 flat tensile specimens in a considerably short time through SSRT as previously reported.44-46 After polishing, the tensile specimens were ultrasonically cleaned using acetone, ethanol, and deionized water for 5 min, successively. Then, SSRT was performed to examine the IGSCC of Alloy 600 tensile specimens in a simulated PWR primary water environment. The simulated primary water comprised 500 ppm of B and 2 ppm of Li in the form of H3BO3 and LiOH, respectively. The DH concentration was controlled at 2.75 ppm, whereas the dissolved oxygen concentration was limited to less than 1 ppb. This condition is typical of the simulated PWR primary water environment used for laboratory tests because this condition is located near the Ni/NiO equilibrium, where Ni-based alloys are known to exhibit maximum IGSCC susceptibility.47-50 The SSRTs were performed at a temperature of 633 K and at a pressure of 20 MPa. During the SSRT, the tensile specimens were elongated up to 10% of a strain with the strain rate of 5 × 10−7 s−1. Then, the strain was maintained for 50 h and the SCC test was terminated. Oxide films, typically 20 nm to 50 nm in thickness, were formed on the surface of the specimens in the simulated PWR primary water environments as previously reported.51 The oxide films were removed by Ar+ ion beam sputtering before FE-SEM/EBSD characterizations. The sputtering was operated at 400 eV and 500 μA/cm2 for typically 90 s. This sputtering condition was determined by preliminary tests to completely remove the oxide films formed in the high-temperature aqueous solution. The EBSD measurements were performed at five different locations on the specimen surfaces for an area of 250 μm × 250 μm with a step size of 1 μm at an accelerating voltage of 25 kV. SEM images of identical locations were also obtained at the same accelerating voltage.
The observed cracks were crystallographically analyzed based on the EBSD analysis. To ensure the reliability of the analysis, the EBSD measurements were performed at five different sites on each specimen. All of the grain boundaries present within these sites were analyzed; however, grain boundaries of less than 5 μm were excluded from the analysis.
In the present study, the authors consider the stress generated at the grain boundary. This can be analyzed based on the crystal plasticity theory proposed by Taylor,52 considering elastic deformation until the yield point, shear strain rate, and strain hardening that exhibit anisotropy for each grain. The authors of the present study previously reported on the stress generated at the grain boundaries of an Alloy 600, which caused IGSCC in a PWR primary water environment using a multiscale finite element method (FEM).44 In the analysis the geometry and crystallographic orientation of all grains in a 100 μm × 100 μm area were determined using an FE-SEM/EBSD, then the stress and strain generated at all grain boundaries were evaluated by FEM. The results correlated with IGSCC occurrences. In the FEM analysis, to minimize geometry noise, small grains were excluded, and grain boundaries were revised to smooth lines. This approach is not straightforward and requires significant effort in preprocessing for the analysis. Additionally, a certain level of computational resources is required for the FEM. Therefore, in the present study, the authors introduced a simplified stress evaluation method for a large number of grain boundaries without considering elastic deformation and yielding.
Generally, when a polycrystalline metal or alloy is elongated beyond its elastic limit, slip deformation occurs along the slip plane and slip direction; these are, in turn, determined by the crystal orientation and stress direction for each grain. Therefore, the slip deformations along different directions in two adjacent grains can induce local stress at the grain boundary between these grains. In the present study, the initiation of IGSCC is discussed considering the stress generated at the grain boundary.
First, crystal orientations of all grains were identified using an EBSD. Subsequently, a slip system, including slip planes and slip directions, was determined for each grain. As Ni-based alloys with a face-centered cubic structure possess 12 equivalent slip systems, slip deformation basically occurs in the most deformable slip system, that is, the primary slip system. This can be identified as the one having the maximum Schmid factor. The shear stress acting on a slip plane in a slip direction within a grain is the product of the tensile stress applied to the specimen and the Schmid factor of the grain (Schmid law). For simplifying, assuming that the applied remote tensile stress is common for all grains in a specimen, the magnitude of the shear stress vector is proportional to the maximum Schmid factor in each grain when the primary slip system is active. In the deformation of polycrystalline metal, the rotation of grains, as well as that of lattice within a grain, will occur due to the restraint by adjacent grains, resulting in the deformation with multi-slip systems within a grain as well as in the grain subdivision. This causes this stress analysis more complicated. Therefore, we assume further that the rotation of grain is ignored, and a single slip system is considered to be operative. Local stresses operating to grain boundaries were estimated under these assumptions as follows.
It has been widely accepted that IGSCC of Alloy 600 in the PWR primary water environment proceeds as internal oxidation along the grain boundary.8,10-11,18,56-57 A stress operating at a grain boundary can break the oxide at the grain boundary, resulting in the subsequent exposure of the underlying grain boundary to the environment. This induces crack initiation along the grain boundary. Furthermore, the grain boundary characteristics are reported to affect intergranular oxidation; oxidation proceeded at random grain boundaries, whereas it was suppressed at the CSL boundaries.58 This difference in the degree of oxidation may be one reason for the probability distribution of crack initiation among various grain boundary characteristics other than the variation in stress operating at grain boundaries.
Based on the simple stress analysis introduced for the first time in this study, intergranular cracking can be categorized into two groups. In one group, the crack initiation depends on the stress distribution as well as the misorientation angle around the grain boundary; in the other case, the crack initiation depended not only on the stress distribution but also on the strain concentrated around the grain boundary.
In the present study, the authors examined the crack initiation of Alloy 600 in a simulated PWR primary water environment with a DH concentration of 2.75 ppm and at 633 K. Tensile specimens subjected to CW with reduction rates of 10% or 20% in advance were elongated up to a tensile strain of 10% in a SSRT, and the strain was maintained for 50 h. The surface of the specimen was microcrystallographically examined.
Many IGSCCs were observed on the surface of the specimen after SSRT and were characterized using an FE-SEM/EBSD. The stresses operating at the grain boundaries between two adjacent grains during the SSRTs were analyzed to resolve tensile, compressive, and shear stresses, assuming that the primary slip system was active, and that slip deformation in two adjacent grains generated stress at their common grain boundary. It is confirmed that IGSCC preferentially occurred at the grain boundary with a larger tensile stress, which contributed to the cleaving of the grain boundary. No cracks were observed at the grain boundaries with compressive stress. Furthermore, crack initiation also depends on the degree of strain concentration, which was characterized by KAM at the grain boundary for the 20% CW specimen.
A part of this study was performed as the project on “Enhancement of Ageing Management and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Station” sponsored by the Nuclear and Industry Safety Agency, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. The authors also appreciate Professor Masahito Mochizuki and Professor Yoshiki Mikami in Osaka University for a helpful discussion.