Dr. Brenda Garcia-Diaz: A passion for sustainability in materials science
Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina, USA
I have had a passion for electrochemical technologies since graduate school, which was one of the reasons I decided to research direct methanol fuel cells while earning my doctorate in chemical engineering.
I have worked with Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) since 2007. In my job, I create and lead dynamic teams that find solutions to challenging material science challenges (e.g., concentrating solar power [CSP] corrosion, fusion energy, and accident tolerant fuel [ATF] development). I have been the overall PI or SRNL co-PI on projects with: 1) the DOE Solar Energy Technology Office Sunshot program, 2) the Office of Science Fusion Energy Program (FEP), and 3) the DOE Nuclear Energy projects. I was the program manager on nuclear material storage programs looking at corrosion and degradation in nuclear material storage containers before being promoted to SRNL Energy Materials Research Manager. Currently, I am leading Gen 3 molten salt corrosion mitigation efforts within the DOE SunShot program through three projects led by SRNL and NREL. I also serve on the Hanford Tank Integrity Expert Panel that reviews research and solutions for corrosion-related issues at the DOE Hanford Site.
I have won early career research awards from SRNL, the State of South Carolina, and the ASM Silver Award. In 2007, I also co-founded Greenway Energy, a company focused on Clean Energy Research that has received multiple commercial and DOE funded projects.