Corrosion is a global issue
CORROSION's research impacts our communities, aiding in the prevention, mitigation, and solution of corrosion-related issues. We strive to progress the field forward, publishing innovative techniques, topical reviews, and technical articles devoted to furthering the breadth of our understanding. Armed with knowledge, we can help protect people, assets, and the environment from corrosion.
Corrosion costs $2.5t globally
The global cost of corrosion is estimated to be $2.5 trillion USD, which is equivalent to 3.4% of the global GDP in 2013.
Repairs needed on 182,000 bridges
Approximately 30% of the 607,380 bridges in the United States are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
A network of 2.5m miles of pipeline
Corrosion is a leading cause of pipeline failures and has caused between 15% and 20% of all significant pipeline incidents in the U.S.
Water systems need $325b in upgrades
Corrosion prevention stops the contamination of water systems. The U.S. needs $325 billion USD to upgrade its water distribution systems by 2030.
Metals and coatings with toxic effects on the body
People are exposed to metals and coatings everyday. Often, to improve the safety or longevity of a consumable product or piece of equipment, materials are used to prevent corrosion. Some of these materials can have harmful effects on the body, ranging from rashes to cancer, and can build up in the body over time. Understanding the effects of these materials on the body will help us provide safer products and work environments.
Antimicrobial properties of metals
Certain metals, such as copper, silver, and their alloys, have been shown to kill bacteria and inactivate viruses. Under the right conditions, corrosion will trigger these antimicrobial properties without any human intervention needed. High-touch surfaces made with these metals and alloys can help minimize the spread of disease in places such as hospitals or public transportation. Copper and silver can also help minimize bacteria in water storage containers. There is more to learn about the application of copper, silver, and their alloys to unlock their full potential to help keep us healthy.
Biomedical corrosion
Millions of people around the world are leading healthier, more active lives because scientists and researchers have figured out ways to replace diseased joints, bones, teeth, and parts of the human vascular system with implant devices. Unfortunately, these devices can corrode, making the understanding of corrosion mechanisms and metal degradation in human body of paramount importance for the safety and long-term well-being of patients.
Drinking water systems
Invisible to most people, piping runs throughout our homes, work, and communities, supplying us with water. As we get smarter about our facilities, both for sanitation and conservation of energy, we need to remember the detrimental effects corrosion can have on society. Outdated infrastructure may rely on lead piping to transport water, which may suffer from corrosion and, ultimately, lead leaching into the water supply.
Materials selection and design and corrosion management help increase the sustainability of products and infrastructure. Finding cost effective solutions that are mindful of our natural resources and their carbon footprint help ensure a better quality of life. A focus on mitigating and preventing corrosion, increased recycling of metals and alloys, and new technological advancements in creating materials to maximize the specific properties needed without waste can increase the lifetime of our infrastructure and lead to lower costs in the long term.
Corrosion is a major threat to bridges around the world and can lead to the need for increased maintenance and repairs or, in extreme cases, failures or collapse. In the United States alone, approximately 200,000 bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. There is a need for greater understanding of corrosion mechanisms and new materials in bridges to help increase the lifetime and safety of these structures.
Corrosion in aerospace
As many aircraft are expected to remain in service for decades, prevention and mitigation of corrosion-related issues remain of the utmost importance. Corrosion problems can lead to costly repairs and downtime for aircraft, and there are concerns over the safety of legacy coatings and chemicals used to prevent corrosion. Continued research is needed to meet the industry’s needs for lightweight aircraft with increased lifetime.
Machine learning
Machine learning uses algorithms to analyze large amounts of data, learn from that data, and then adapt or perform tasks without instructions. Due to the complexity of corrosion processes, machine learning has become an important tool to help model, predict, and even detect corrosion. While there are different types of algorithms, such as artificial neural networks, random forest regression analysis, multiple linear regression, particle swarm optimization, and support vector machines, machine learning techniques enable us to better predict, mitigate, or even leverage corrosion.
Interlaboratory collaborations
Understanding the variability of materials, equipment, and environments is essential to advancing corrosion performance. This can be done through round robin testing, where the same material, equipment, or process is used to validate methods or determine the range of variation, or through field experiments where the same material is used in different environments to assess differences. Both kinds of collaboration improve the understanding of corrosion processes and help build a larger dataset.