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Professor Anne Neville, OBE, FREng, FRS, FRSE RAEng

Chair in Emerging Technologies and Professor of Tribology and Surface Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds

I wish more people understood that the steel industry is on the cutting edge of materials development and a leader in the shift towards a circular economy.

Rachel Pettersson, Ph.D.

Research Manager, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

I am driven by the various forms of creativity and collaboration my job offers and that I can contribute to, from our students learning and becoming successful, independent individuals, to the amazing images and data our microscopes enable us to see, or the small steps we take every day to transform the academic and research environment into a more open and shared place.

Professor Emmanuelle Marquis, Ph.D.

Michigan Center for Materials Characterization, University of Michigan

Saba Navabzadeh Esmaelly, Ph.D.

Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Flow Technology, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Ohio University

I love that I work on real world problems and applications. I enjoy that I get to work on commercially relevant issues where there are many different interesting projects with a wide breadth of customers and applications.

Leslie Bland

Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Virginia

Interdisciplinary and complementary work is essential for any engineering work – more so if it is a totally feminine group! Prof. Alicia Duran (ICV, Madrid, Spain) and Prof. Silvia Cere (INTEMA, Mar del Plata, Argentina) lead an international research group with the aim of enhancing metallic substrates to prevent, slow, and control corrosion. The group is entirely formed by women from a variety of academic backgrounds, and each one contributes her expertise and unique method of problem solving. The team is involved in chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering. Read more

Corrosion Research Teamwork Crosses Oceans

An international, all-women research team is making strides in the development of corrosion-resistant materials for biomedical implants and more.

Unlike many traditional science success stories, my journey toward becoming an expert in corrosion engineering began with a lack of focus, as I worked my way through traditional schooling systems. Preceded by leaving school early after 11th grade and obtaining a GED, my professional career path started in early childhood education, which led me to enroll in community college to pursue a degree in psychology and music. Begrudgingly, I had to complete core math and science classes as part of the mandatory curriculum, which is where my trajectory was irreversibly altered by a group of female professors I was lucky enough to cross paths with along the way. Read more

Cosima N. Boswell-Koller, Ph.D.

Technical Lead for the Advanced Manufacturing, Materials, and Processes Program, National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

I’ve been involved with the world of corrosion since my first “Materials Degradation” unit at university. I still remember Professor José Galvele starting his introductory class describing how scientific breakthroughs can arise through purposeful investigation or serendipity. A well-known case of the latter is the unexpected discovery of season cracking of brass. I was excited about the possibility of studying more about corrosion from the get go. I like describing corrosion as the study of materials’ vulnerability and how, by understanding it, we can contribute to their integrity. Read more

Dannisa Chalfuon

Ph.D. Candidate, Instituto Sabato, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Corrosion is everywhere; the school bus has corrosion patches all around the fender, the old swing in the playground makes high-pitched noises, the old bicycle is no longer useful and looks abandoned. Since I was a little school girl in Bogota, Colombia, I realized that my favorite games and tools were deteriorating with time, and I wanted to know why. Read more

Yenny Cubides

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

I have had a passion for electrochemical technologies since graduate school, which was one of the reasons I decided to research direct methanol fuel cells while earning my doctorate in chemical engineering. Read more

Dr. Brenda Garcia-Diaz

Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina, USA

Mengnan Guo

Ph.D. candidate at the Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science Centre at the University of Western Ontario

I completed my Ph.D. in Electrochemistry in 2010 at École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. My post-doctoral research focused on corrosion and material science at the University of Western Ontario in Canada. My interest in material science and especially corrosion encouraged me to follow the scientific articles in CORROSION journal to find out the impact of material degradation in human health, environment, and industry. Read more

Dr. Rachel Partovi-Nia

Project Manager in New Technology department at ETA. SA (Swatch Group), Switzerland

I am Claudia, a materials science engineer who is pursuing a Master’s degree in chemical engineering at Ohio University and working as a graduate research assistant in the Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology. I am currently working on my thesis topic: mechanical characterization of corrosion product layers to assess their integrity in field conditions. This has applicability relating to localized corrosion as well as black powder formation. Read more

Claudia Prieto

Research Assistant / M.S. candidate, Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology, Ohio University, USA

I have been working with corrosion-related issues for 30 years. The most fascinating aspects of corrosion are that all metallic surfaces, independent of shape and application, interact with the environment in different ways. I have never ever regretted my professional career in the field of corrosion science as it is highly dynamic and much more faceted than you can imagine. Read more

Inger Odnevall Wallinder

Professor of Corrosion Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Cortney Crane Chalifoux

Senior Associate, Exponent

Yolanda Hedberg, Ph.D.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Diana Miller

Technical Support Consultant, OLI Systems, Inc.

Ingrid Milosev, Ph.D.

Jožef Stefan Institute

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