Open access, archiving, and copyright permissions
CORROSION is a hybrid open access journal, which means that while it is subscription-based, authors have the choice to publish their articles open access, making them freely available to the public.
Gold open access
Authors can choose to have their article published freely and permanently available to the public via gold open access. The article processing fee for gold open access publication is $1,800. Authors need to submit a license agreement instead of a copyright agreement during article submission and choose from the following types of creative commons licenses:
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY)
This license allows for commercial and noncommercial redistribution of the open access article, as well as the alteration of the work by refining, rearranging, or adding text, provided credit is given to the original article. - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND)
This license allows for commercial and noncommercial redistribution of the OA article, provided that it is redistributed as-is and in whole, with credit given to the original article. - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
This license allows others to download the OA article and share it with others for noncommercial purposes, provided that it is redistributed as-is and in whole, with credit given to the original article.
Green open access (self-archiving & repositories)
CORROSION authors may self-archive their final submitted draft in their institution’s repository after an embargo period of 90 days from first publication. This version includes revisions made during peer review, prior to article acceptance. Articles posted in repositories must include a link to the article’s digital object identifier (DOI) or a link to the article’s abstract on CORROSION’s website.
Under green open access, articles may not be shared on any commercial websites, including ResearchGate, Scribd, or The version of record (fully formatted version) of articles may not be posted in repositories or on other websites unless the appropriate creative commons license (CC BY, CC BY-ND, or CC BY-NC-ND) has been acquired.
Copyright permissions
If you are interested in reusing CORROSION journal content (including figures and tables) in another publication, please visit Copyright Clearance Center to quickly secure the rights to reuse the content in your article. Unless an article is marked that it was published with a creative commons (CC BY) license, content on CORROSION journal’s website is copyrighted and needs permission for reuse.
Note: authors do not have to seek permission to re-use their own CORROSION journal figures in subsequent publications provided they provide full credit to the original source.
Request PermissionIf you are interested in using content published by others in your current work, including figures or tables, visit the journal/publisher website for information on their process. Make sure to provide a copy of the permission document(s) with your manuscript files when you upload your submission in ScholarOne.