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CORROSION Editorial Board

R. Winston Revie

Dr. R. Winston Revie graduated from McGill University with the Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgical) degree in 1966. After receiving the Master of Engineering (Materials) degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (R.P.I.) in Troy, New York, and the Ph.D. from M.I.T. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, he carried out postdoctoral studies at The Flinders University of South Australia and at The Australian National University in Canberra. He joined CANMET, in Ottawa, in 1978, as a Research Scientist working primarily on pipeline integrity issues until his retirement in 2011.

He is the co-author of a widely-used university textbook, Corrosion and Corrosion Control, third edition (translated into Japanese, Russian, and Chinese). The fourth edition of this book was published in 2008. He is the Editor of Uhlig’s Corrosion Handbook, third edition, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in 2011. The Chemical Industry Press, in China, published the Chinese edition of the Handbook in 2005. In addition, he is the Editor of the Wiley Series in Corrosion, and of the Wiley Series in Oil and Gas Technology. He is a member of the editorial board of CORROSION, published by NACE International. He is the Editor of Oil and Gas Pipelines, Integrity and Safety Handbook, published by Wiley in 2015.

Dr. Revie is a Fellow of ASM International, of NACE International, of The Electrochemical Society, Inc., and of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. He is a Past President of the Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, and he was on the Board of Directors of NACE International from 2006 to 2009. He was President of the NACE Foundation of Canada from 2008 to 2012.

Research Interests: stress corrosion cracking, corrosion inhibition/inhibitors, corrosion in hydrogen sulfide environments, corrosion monitoring/inspection, passivity, corrosion control of oil and gas pipelines, corrosion of surgical implants

Selected Publications from CORROSION:

S. Papavinasam, R.W. Revie, M. Attard, A. Demoz, K. Michaelian, “Comparison of Laboratory Methodologies to Evaluate Corrosion Inhibitors for Oil and Gas Pipelines,” Corrosion 59, 10 (2003): p. 897-912.

S. Papavinasam, R.W. Revie, M. Attard, A. Demoz, K. Michaelian, “Comparison of Techniques for Monitoring Corrosion Inhibitors in Oil and Gas Pipelines,” Corrosion 59, 12 (2003): p. 1096-1111.

R.W. Revie, V.S. Sastri, M. Elboujdaini, R.R. Ramsingh, Y. Lafrenière, “Hydrogen-Induced Cracking of Line Pipe Steels Used in Sour Service,” Corrosion 49, 7 (1993): p. 531-535.

M. Elboujdaini, V.S. Sastri, R.W. Revie, “Field Measurement of Hydrogen in Sour Gas Pipelines,” Corrosion 50, 8 (1994): p. 636-640.

J. Li, M. Elboujdaini, B. Fang, R.W. Revie, M.W. Phaneuf, “Microscopy Study of Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of X-52 Line Pipe Steel,” Corrosion 62, 4 (2006): p. 316-322.

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