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CORROSION Editorial Board

Narasi Sridhar

Dr. Narasi Sridhar CEO of MC Consult LLC, a materials and corrosion consulting company. He is also a Research Professor in the Materials Science & Engineering Department at The Ohio State University. His main technical interests involve life prediction and risk assessment of structures and systems and innovative energy use technologies. He is also interested in electrochemical conversion of CO2 to useful products.

Dr. Sridhar formerly was a Vice President of DNV and Program Director in the Materials Technology Development section of DNV, USA. From 1989 to 2007, he worked at the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses and the Division of Mechanical and Materials Engineering in Southwest Research Institute in various managerial capacities. From 1981 through 1989, Dr. Sridhar worked at Haynes International as a Group Leader of the corrosion group. He obtained a Ph.D. from University of Notre Dame in 1980.

Dr. Sridhar has published over 200 papers and book chapters and has several patents. He has received NACE’s Fellow honor, Technical Achievement Award, and Speller Award, along with numerous national and international awards.

Research Interests: risk assessment and management, life prediction, energy use technologies, electrochemical conversion of CO2, metallurgy, corrosion

Selected Publications from CORROSION:

D.S. Dunn, G.A. Cragnolino, N. Sridhar, “An Electrochemical Approach to Predicting Long-Term Localized Corrosion of Corrosion Resistant High-Level Waste Container Materials,” Corrosion 56, 1 (2000): p. 90-104.

J.A. Beavers, F. Gui, N. Sridhar, “Effects of Environmental And Metallurgical Factors on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel in Fuel-Grade Ethanol,” Corrosion 67, 2 (2011): p. 025005-1 to 025005-15.

F. Ayello, S. Jain, N. Sridhar, G.H. Koch, “Quantitative Assessment of Corrosion Probability—A Bayesian Network Approach,” Corrosion 70, 11 (2014): p. 1128-1147.

N. Sridhar, J.A. Beavers, B. Rollins, S. Chawla, K. Evans, X. Li, “Stress Corrosion Cracking and Localized Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Nitrate Solutions,” Corrosion 72, 7 (2016): p. 927-942.

N. Sridhar, “Localized Corrosion Chemistry—A Review,” Corrosion 73, 1 (2017): p. 18-30.

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