Many people in education hope that reform will bring positive change for all students in the United States. However, Mark LaCelle-Peterson and Charlene Rivera argue in this article that, unless educational reformers reflect seriously on the implications of assessment reform for specific groups of students, among them students whose first language is not English, little meaningful change will occur. The authors present a demographic profile of English language learners, propose a definition of educational equity and excellence, and outline the range of educational goals the definition implies. They argue that it is erroneous to assume that changes that affect monolingual English students favorably will automatically do the same for English language learners, and offer options and recommendations for more appropriate assessment policy and practice for English language learners.
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1 April 1994
Research Article|
February 08 2010
Is It Real for All Kids? A Framework for Equitable Assessment Policies for English Language Learners
Mark Lacelle-Peterson;
Mark Lacelle-Peterson
State University of New York at Geneseo
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Charlene Rivera
Charlene Rivera
George Washington University
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Harvard Educational Review (1994) 64 (1): 55–76.
Mark Lacelle-Peterson, Charlene Rivera; Is It Real for All Kids? A Framework for Equitable Assessment Policies for English Language Learners. Harvard Educational Review 1 April 1994; 64 (1): 55–76. doi:
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