In this article, Elizabeth Marshall and Kelleen Toohey use critical discourse analysis to examine educators' efforts to incorporate funds of knowledge from the communities and families of Punjabi Sikh students in a Canadian elementary school. Using MP3 players, students first recorded and then translated their grandparents' stories of life in India into picture books to serve as cultural resources in their school community. In retelling their grandparents' stories, students drew on a multiplicity of ancestral,globalized, and Western discourses in their textual and pictorial illustrations. The authors examine what happens when the funds of knowledge that students bring to school contradict normative, Western understandings of what is appropriate for children and how school might appropriately respond to varying community perceptions of good and evil.
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Summer 2010
Research Article|
June 23 2010
Representing Family: Community Funds of Knowledge, Bilingualism, and Multimodality
Elizabeth Marshall;
Elizabeth Marshall
Simon Fraser University
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Kelleen Toohey
Kelleen Toohey
Simon Fraser University
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Harvard Educational Review (2010) 80 (2): 221–242.
Elizabeth Marshall, Kelleen Toohey; Representing Family: Community Funds of Knowledge, Bilingualism, and Multimodality. Harvard Educational Review 1 July 2010; 80 (2): 221–242. doi:
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