In this article, Justin Grinage investigates how black youth experience and contest racial trauma using racial melancholia, a psychoanalytic conception of grief, as a framework for understanding the nonpathologized endurance of black resistance to racism. Examining data from a yearlong ethnographic study, Grinage engages the notion that melancholia is needed for mourning to take place, a crucial distinction that engenders agency in relation to the constant (re)production of racial oppression in the lives of five black twelfth-grade students at a multiracial suburban US high school. Grinage illustrates how racial melancholia structures racial trauma and analyzes its effects on black identity, dismissing pathologizing definitions of racial injury while centralizing the importance of asset-based, healing-centered approaches for enacting racial justice in education.
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Summer 2019
Research Article|
June 01 2019
Endless Mourning: Racial Melancholia, Black Grief, and the Transformative Possibilities For Racial Justice in Education
University of Minnesota
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Harvard Educational Review (2019) 89 (2): 227–250.
JUSTIN GRINAGE; Endless Mourning: Racial Melancholia, Black Grief, and the Transformative Possibilities For Racial Justice in Education. Harvard Educational Review 1 June 2019; 89 (2): 227–250. doi:
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