This article investigates the extent to which teens are ready to take advantage of the Computer Science for All (CS4All) initiative promoted in 2016 by the Obama administration. Using new survey data from a socioeconomically stratified random sample of eighth graders in regular neighborhood schools in Chicago, author Cassidy Puckett looks at differences in students' technology learning readiness, operationalized as the use of five technology learning habits, and home and school resources and practices that explain these differences. Findings show that students vary in their technology learning readiness, which suggests the need for intervention before high school, and that families shape readiness, but schools largely do not. This study contributes to debates about schools' relationship to inequality by identifying a mechanism through which policies can inadvertently exacerbate inequities without understanding and addressing readiness; it also offers possible methods for interventions in schools.
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Winter 2019
Research Article|
December 01 2019
Cs4some? Differences in Technology Learning Readiness
Emory University
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Harvard Educational Review (2019) 89 (4): 554–587.
CASSIDY PUCKETT; Cs4some? Differences in Technology Learning Readiness. Harvard Educational Review 1 December 2019; 89 (4): 554–587. doi:
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