In this introductory essay in the “Platform Studies in Education” symposium, T. Philip Nichols and Antero Garcia consider the expanding role of platform technologies in teaching, learning, and administration and the contributions of education research to the emerging multidisciplinary literature of platform studies. Their essay outlines theoretical lineages that identify platforms not as standalone tools but as multisided markets linking their users to competing social, technical, and political-economic imperatives. It also highlights connections to related education research that demonstrates the impact of these conflicting imperatives for equitable student learning, teacher education, and policy making. The authors conclude by reflecting on the critical interventions that greater attention to platform relations in education might offer and the forms of coalitional work, across disciplinary and geographic borders, needed to realize these potentials.
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Summer 2022
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Platform Studies in Education
Stanford University
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Harvard Educational Review (2022) 92 (2): 209–230.
T. PHILIP NICHOLS, ANTERO GARCIA; Platform Studies in Education. Harvard Educational Review 1 June 2022; 92 (2): 209–230. doi:
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