To request permission to use content from Harvard Educational Review, please submit your request in writing (email preferably). There is a fee charged for use of HER material. It often takes two + weeks to hear from HER. Please note: HER does not allow posting full-text content on public websites, social media, or listservs.
For classroom use, please go to Copyright Clearance Center.
For all other uses, please address the points below in drafting your request:
Contact Information:
- Contact Name
- Organization
- Email Address
Describe the HER content you wish to use:
- Title of the article
- Author/s
- Volume Number/Year of Publication
- Page Numbers
Please describe how you want to use the content:
In a book or magazine:
- Publisher
- Title
- Author/Editor
- Date of Publication
- Price
- Manuscript Length
- Distribution: US Distribution AND/OR World Distribution
- Format (print/electronic)
- Number of Copies/Circulation
In conferences/workshops or as a handout in professional development:
- Conference/Workshop Title
- Date of Conference/Workshop
- Format (print/electronic)
- Number of Copies
In an edited version or excerpt:
HER considers to be fair-use excerpts of fewer than 400 words totally. If you would like to use more extended excerpts or an edited version of the content, you must include two documents with the request:
- A copy of the proposed edit/excerpts in the new document
- The original article highlighted to show the edit/excerpted section/s
HER process for edited use takes longer to review so please allow six weeks for consideration.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.