Graduate students with publishable research are invited to compete for the six prizes in the annual Herpetologists' League Robert G. Jaeger Student Award for Graduate Research. The benefits and procedures follow.

1.—The winner will receive: (1) a total of $500, (2) 10 years of back issues of Herpetologica, and (3) an invitation to submit an expanded full-length manuscript to Herpetologica/Herpetological Monographs (which will be subject to standard review procedures) as a lead article, with identification of the author as the winner of the Award. Other finalists (up to five) will receive a travel award of $200, which may be presented at the dinner honoring the winners or at the annual business meeting.

2.—Each participant must: (1) be a member of The Herpetologists' League in good standing, (2) be a registered graduate student or have completed the graduate degree within 12 months of the annual meeting at which the...

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