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Open Access

The Herpetologists’ League is dedicated to providing quality research materials and maintaining a sustainable access model for users. Our Open Access policy allows authors to publish their articles affordably, while still maintaining the excellent accessibility our users are accustomed to.

The cost to make an article open access is $2,000.00 for authors who are members of the Society and $2,500.00 for non-members. Open access articles are published and freely available on The Herpetologists’ League Online Journals site ( and BioOne (

Authors who choose to publish open access do not pay regular page charges which of $25/page for HL members and $75/page for non-member authors.

Page Charges: Payment of $25/page for HL members and $75/page for non-member authors. Page charges may be waived by all HL members. For more information on page charges click here.

Copyright License: Articles published open access will be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license, which means the article may be reused with proper attribution for use. Any modified or transformed version of the content may not be distributed. More information:

Open Access Benefits:

  • Enhanced article exposure and visibility
  • Accelerated discovery
  • Increased article usage

For information see the journals' SHERPA RoMEO policy

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