The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM (EDT) on Monday, April 21, 2008 by President David Rotholz.

Members present—David Rotholz, President; Steve Eidelman, President Elect; Joanna Pierson, Vice President; James Gardner, Secretary/Treasurer; Hank Bersani, Immediate Past President; Sharon Gomez; Diane Morin; Karrie Shogren; Michael Wehmeyer; Mark Yeager. Invited guest—Patricia Harmon. National staff present—M. Doreen Croser; Maria Alfaro

James Gardner presented the minutes from the last Board of Directors meeting.

James Gardner reviewed the financial report for the first quarter (Jan–March) of 2008. He presented the comparative balance sheets for March 31, 2008 and 2007, the cash projections for April thru December 2008, and the profit and loss statement at March 31, 2008. The current excess of revenues over expenditures for the year is $1,151,656. When compared to March 2007, our revenues increased by $431,550 while our expenditures increased by $306,549 a positive change of $125,001....

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