Aitcheson-Hueh NC, Cinelli ME

Wilfrid Laurier University, ON, Canada

Carling A,1,2 Nilsagård Y3

1University Health Care Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, SE 701 82 Örebro, Sweden; 2Department of Physiotherapy, Region Örebro County, Örebro, Sweden; 3Health Care Management, Region Örebro County, Örebro, Sweden

Loy BD,1 Fling BW,2 Spain RI,1,3 Horak FB1,3

1Department of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR; 2Department of Health and Exercise Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; 3Neurology Services, VA Portland Health Care System, Portland, OR

Craig J,1,2 Bruetsch A,1 Lynch S,3 Huisinga J1,2,3

1Landon Center on Aging, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS; 2Bioengineering Graduate Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; 3Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS

Craig J,1,2 Bruetsch A,1 Lynch S,3 Huisinga J1,2,3

1Landon Center on Aging, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS; 2Bioengineering Graduate Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; 3Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS

Akbar N,1 Clement M,1 Hazlewood S,1 Pollock G,1 Canning K,2 Hicks A,2 Finlayson M1

1School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Block VJ,1 Bove R,1 Keshavan A,1 Zhao C,1 Bevan CJ,1 Crabtree-Hartman E,1 Graves JS.1 Green AJ,1 Gourraud P-A,1 Pletcher MJ,2 Olgin JE,2 Marcus GM,2 Allen DD,3 Cree BAC1, Gelfand JM1

1Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; 2Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; 3Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, University of California San Francisco/Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

Kannan M,1,2 Wick K,1 Hildebrand A,1,2 Hugos C,1,2 Cameron M1,2

1VA Portland Health Care System, MS Center of Excellence West, Portland, OR; 2Oregon Health & Science University, Department of Neurology, Portland, OR

Lee C-Y,1 Lee S-P,1 Choi I-Y,1 Lynch SG,2 Huisinga JM3

1Hoglund Imaging Center, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS; 2Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS; 3Landon Center on Aging, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS

Shema-Shiratzky S,1 Mirelman A,1–3 Brozgol M,1 Cornejo-Thumm P1, Moon Y4, Hsieh KL4, Sosnoff J4, Hausdorff JM1,3,5,6

1Center for the Study of Movement, Cognition and Mobility, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel; 2Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 3Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 4Motor Control Research Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL; 5Department of Physical Therapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 6Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center and Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL

Fakolade A,1 Latimer–Cheung A,2 Parsons T, Finlayson M1

1School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada

Bisson EJ,1 Deshpande N,1 French S,1 Sosnoff JJ,2 Finlayson M1

1School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen's University, Canada; 2Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL

Gadayan J,1 Hughes R1 Jang C, 1 Widener GL,2 Lazaro RL,2 Allen DD1

1University of California San Francisco/San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA; 2Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, CA

Zervas M, Wnukowski M, Kaems K, Cerratti, A, Chan N, Shamsian M, Karpatkin H

Physical Therapy Program, Hunter College, New York, NY

Wajda DA,1 Roach KL,2 Sandroff BM,3 Benedict RHB,4 Motl RW,3,5 Sosnoff JJ2

1Department of Exercise Science, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH; 2Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL; 3Department of Physical Therapy, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; 4Department of Neurology, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; 5UAB/Lakeshore Research Collaborative, Lakeshore Foundation, Birmingham, AL

Karpatkin H, Benson A, Broker N, Gardner N, Ramos N, Xu A

Department of Physical Therapy, Hunter College, New York, NY

Arpan I, Horak F

Department of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR

Gera G,1 Fino PC,1,2 Fling BW,3 Horak FB1,2

1Oregon Health & Science University, Department of Neurology, Portland, OR; 2Veterans Affairs Portland Health Care System, Portland OR; 3Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Author notes

Editor's note: This is a listing of the poster abstract titles, authors, and author affiliations.The full abstracts are available on IJMSC's online edition at

Supplementary Material