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The Effect of Gender Ideal Adherence on Carer Burden and Help-Seeking in Male Carers of People With Multiple Sclerosis
Damien Appleton, PsyD, Noelle Robertson, DClinPsy, Rosie Lesley, MSc
PANORAMA: A 2021 Clinician Survey of Treatment Approaches for People With New Diagnoses of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in the United Kingdom
Nikos Evangelou, DPhil, Miriam Mattoscio, MD, PhD, Mhairi Coutts, RGN, Manoharan Andiappan, PhD, Teresa Sawtell, MRes, Katherine Rhys, BSc
Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue Self-Management: Strategies and Influencing Factors 5 Years After a Multimodal Intervention
ShienPei C. Silverman, MA, Bishan Yang, PhD, Felicia Mata-Greve, PhD, Nikita Sajeev, BS, Sophie Samiee, BA, Julia Norton, BA, Cinda L. Hugos, MS
Ballroom Dancing for People With Multiple Sclerosis: Perceptions of the Experience
Linda B. Piacentine, PhD, NP, Alice F. Yan, PhD, Alexander V. Ng, PhD
Acceptability and Feasibility of the English Version of Elevida, a Self-Guided Online Fatigue Intervention for People With Multiple Sclerosis
Jo Lane, PhD, Carmel Poyser, MSc, Yixuan Zhao, PhD, Robyn M. Lucas, PhD, Björn Meyer, PhD, Christoph Heesen, MD, Nicolas Cherbuin, PhD, Anne Brüstle, PhD, Susy Macqueen, PhD, Alice Richardson, PhD, Christian Lueck, PhD, Stefan M. Gold, PhD
Consultative, Proactive Physical Therapy in Early Multiple Sclerosis
Monica Hendricksen, PT, MPT, NCS, Jake Boyer, DPT, PT, NCS, Miriam Rafferty, PhD, DPT, PT, Kristen Hohl, DPT, PT, NCS, Edith L. Graham, MD, Roumen Balabanov, MD, Dominique Kinnett-Hopkins, PhD
Impact of Fingolimod Discontinuation Strategy on Recurrence of Disease Activity in Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis
Nevin M. Shalaby, MD, Rufaidah Rushdi, MSc, Raed Alroughany, MD, Samar Ahmed, MD, Nahla Merghany, MD, Hatem Shehata, MD, Jasem Al-Hashel, MD, Mona Nada, MD, Adel Gad, MD, Amr Hassan, MD, Nirmeen Kishk, MD, Sherif Hamdy, MD, Maged Abdelnaseer, MD, Mohamed Hegazy, MD, Sandra Ahmed, MD, Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Aal, MSc, Haidy El Shebawy, MD
Expanding the Connection Between Cognition and Illness Intrusiveness in Multiple Sclerosis
Aprille Gangi, BS, Sarah A. Raskin, PhD, Aaron P. Turner, PhD, Frederick W. Foley, PhD, Lindsay O. Neto, MPH, Elizabeth S. Gromisch, PhD
Cognitive Function in Frail Older Adults With Multiple Sclerosis: An Exploratory Study Using Secondary Data Analysis
Emerson Sebastião, PhD, Vitor A. A. A. Siqueira, MSc, Jemimah O. Bakare, BS, Mahgolzahra Kamari, MSc, Robert W. Motl, PhD
Exploring the Complexity of Falls in People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Qualitative Study
Anna H. Wäneskog, PhD, Anette S. Forsberg, PhD, Ylva E. Nilsagård, PhD
Reasons for Hospital Admission in Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis
Danelvis Paredes, MD, MPH, Elijah Lackey, MD, Suma Shah, MD
Wearables for the Bladder: Stakeholder Perspectives on Moving Multiple Sclerosis Bladder Dysfunction Interventions Into the 21st Century
Valerie J. Block, DPTSc, PT, Leah McIntyre (née Wylie), DPT, PT, Nikki Sisodia, BS, Michelle E. Van Kuiken, MD, Anne M. Suskind, MD, MS, Riley Bove, MD, MMSc
Characterizing Fatigue by Multiple Sclerosis Subtype and Determining Validity of a Fatigue Scale Specific to Persons With Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
Jennie Feldpausch, DPT, PT, Prudence Plummer, PhD, PT, BPhysio(Hons), Zade Abou-Rass, Nora Fritz, PhD, PT, DPT, NCS
MyMS: An Interface for Patient-Reported Outcomes for Finnish Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis
Päivi Hämäläinen, PhD, Matias Viitala, MSc, Hanna Kuusisto, MD, PhD, Juhani Ruutiainen, MD, PhD, Merja Soilu-Hänninen, MD, PhD
Telecoaching of Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis After Inpatient Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation: The Danish MS Hospitals Rehabilitation Study
Michael Nørgaard, MSc, Finn Boesen, MD, Anders Guldhammer Skjerbæk, MSc, Ellen Jensen, MSc, Jeanne Hansen, BSN, Peter Vestergaard Rasmussen, PhD, Thor Petersen, DMSc, Philipp Trénel, PhD