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Contact IJMSC

Letters to the editor

IJMSC welcomes letters to the editor. Submit your letter using the online manuscript submission system.


Editorial Office and Permissions Requests

Charlene Belsole, Project Manager, IJMSC
Mellen Center for MS Treatment and Research, U10
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44119, USA
Fax: 216-445-0331
[email protected]

Permission requests to reproduce material from IJMSC should be sent to the editorial office. Letters requesting permission should include the issue and page number on which the material appears and the name of the publication in which the material will be reproduced.


Ryan Francia: [email protected]


For inquiries regarding advertising, special sales, and sponsorships, please contact the publisher:

Director, Sales – Noah Fishbein
[email protected]
MJH Life Sciences®
2 Clarke Drive
Cranbury, NJ 08512, USA

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