This article is a personal essay describing the methodology for and orientation to teaching therapeutic Yoga in a mixed milieu. Many of the students have complex conditions such as multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia,rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, or chronic fatigue. Others have suffered structural trauma from car accidents and are contending with soft tissue injury and disc compression. In spite of the irrefutable challenge of addressing these various conditions simultaneously,years of working in this field has convinced the author that not only is it possible to do so, but it is highly rewarding for both the students and the teacher. It is the author's hope that by sharing her experience it will encourage other therapists to move beyond the container of a specific pathology and reunite body, mind, and spirit in a healing, communal environment.
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1 January 2004
Research Article|
July 17 2008
Therapeutic Yoga 101: A Course in Self-Acceptance
Robin Rothenberg
Robin Rothenberg
The Yoga Barn
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Int J Yoga Therap (2004) 14 (1): 29–34.
Robin Rothenberg; Therapeutic Yoga 101: A Course in Self-Acceptance. Int J Yoga Therap 1 January 2004; 14 (1): 29–34. doi:
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