Yoga is becoming increasingly popular in Western countries, particularly for maintaining health and managing chronic noncommunicable diseases. Yoga providers, including yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and healthcare workers using yoga in clinical practice, are vital in facilitating group and personalized yoga sessions. This article aims to meet an unmet need to profile the sociodemographic and practice characteristics of yoga providers in Australia. A workforce survey was distributed electronically to yoga providers throughout Australia via the Practitioner Research and Collaboration Initiative (PRACI). The yoga providers’ sociodemographic and practice characteristics, professional qualifications, and practice interests reported in the survey were analyzed. The study reveals a predominantly female, middle-aged, and tertiary-educated workforce. The yoga providers considered themselves group educators offering complementary and integrative health services. Typically, they had worked part-time as a solo provider for more than 10 years since acquiring their first yoga qualification. This study represents the first exploration of the Australian yoga provider workforce on a national level. It suggests that some Australian yoga providers are highly qualified professionals integrating with healthcare modalities in education and practice. The landscape of yoga providers in Australia needs further investigation.

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