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Feasibility and Acceptability of an Online Yoga Study Among Individuals with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Kristen Ronn Weaver-Toedtman, PhD, CRNP, RYT-200; Marissa Walch, RYT-500; Lindsay Kiracofe, MS, E-RYT 500; Alexa Bedingfield, MS, E-RYT 200; Lindsay Cook, RYT-200; Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP; Cynthia L. Renn, PhD, RN; Susan G. Dorsey, PhD, RN
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Yoga for Veterans with PTSD: Intervention Feasibility, Changes in PTSD Symptom Severity, and Psychological and Physiological Health-Related Fitness Outcomes
Rachel E. Bollaert, PhD, Meghan M. Bennett, MS, Kaley E. Davis, MS, Cecilia J. Hillard, PhD, Jeffrey Whittle, MD, Zeno Franco, PhD, Shayne Broadwell, Jacklynn Fitzgerald, PhD
Yoga and Mindfulness Training for Professional Baseball Players: A Narrative Study on Perspectives and Practices
Rowan Wehrmann, PhD, RYT-500, Kelsey M. Dietrich, RYT-500, Viann N. Nguyen-Feng, PhD, MPH, LP, RYT-500
Effects of Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation on Stress-Related Variables: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Sasima Pakulanon, PhD, Christine Le Scanff, PhD, Edith Filaire, PhD, François Cottin, PhD, Luis Rama, PhD, Ana Teixeira, PhD, Tim Woodman, PhD
An Initial Feasibility Trial of Providing Yoga in School for Children with Additional Support Needs
Niamh Claire Hart, MSc, RYT-200, Josie N. Booth, PhD, Heini Löppönen, MSc, E-RYT-500, Divya Sivaramakrishnan, PhD, Sam Fawkner, PhD
The Effects of Yoga Breathing Before Motor Speech Practice in Acquired Apraxia of Speech: An n-of-1 Trial
Erica Freestone, MS, Jacqueline Laures Gore, PhD, Rebecca Shisler Marshall, PhD, Elliot Moore, PhD, Eva van Leer, PhD