Building on the findings of the 2003 meeting, Keeping the Promises: National Goals, State of Knowledge and Research Agenda for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, the intended outcomes of the 2015 National Goals in Research, Practice and Policy Conference were to outline a vision for the future and leadership of research, practice, and policy in intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). At the National Goals 2015 Conference held August 6–7, 2015, in Washington, D.C., 12 members of a designated strand on aging were charged to discuss the research and gaps in evidence specific to the context of transitions in aging associated with health, retirement, and end of life. The strand was comprised of a strand leader, research mentor, policy consultant, conference liaison and eight other participants with expertise and experience in aging among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Explored in relative detail are the four goals, rationale, and implications for research, practice and policy to facilitate a positive and person-centered approach to supporting people with IDD as they age and face these transitions in late-life.

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