This special issue of Inclusion provided details on outcomes of the National Goals 2015 Conference, held August 2015. The individual articles reflected on knowledge to date, discussed points of debate, and identified research goals in the conference's 10 focus areas or strands: (1) self-determination and self-advocacy; (2) social inclusion; (3) education; (4) employment and economic self-sufficiency; (5) long-term supports and services; (6) health and wellness; (7) aging, retirement, and end of life; (8) supports for families across the life course; (9) trends in the workforce; and (10) access to justice. The research goals presented in the articles reflect those that have the potential to have the greatest impact on policy and practice by 2025; together, the articles provide a bold and comprehensive research agenda and identify important challenges for policy and practice. Across the 10 broad focus areas, several trends and issues emerged that will undoubtedly play a critical role...

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