We thank the following individuals who have served as a Guest Editor or Peer Reviewer for Innovations in Digital Health, Diagnostics, and Biomarkers (IDDB) in the past year (January 1–December 31, 2023). There were 17 reviewers and 2 guest editors. The thoughtful contributions of these individuals have helped to make the Journal a success.
Those who are interested in joining our panel of distinguished reviewers, please submit an application online at https://meridian.allenpress.com/innovationsjournals/pages/Become-A-Reviewer.
Guest Editors
Sargsyan, Karine
Xu, Mingxuan
Peer Reviewers
Abboute, Anis
Biga, Ruzica
Cliffe, Bethany
Duhm-Harbeck, Petra
Fthenou, Eleni
Hashim, Esraa
Hassan, Radwa
Jiaao, Yu
Luong, Jasper
Michalska-Falkowska, Anna
Morel, Estelle
Nanyonga, Sandra
Paiman, Beheshta
Shao, YunChang
Stenko, Alex
Thong, Benjamin
Vu, Hanh