We thank the following individuals who have served as a Guest Editor and/or Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Immunotherapy and Precision Oncology in the past year (September 1, 2022 through October 1, 2023). There were 51 reviewers and 11 guest editors. The thoughtful contributions of these individuals have helped to make the Journal a success.

Those who are interested in joining our panel of distinguished reviewers, please submit an application online at https://meridian.allenpress.com/innovationsjournals-JIPO/pages/become-a-reviewer.

Guest Editors

Autio, Karen

Bilen, Mehmet A.

Chen, Helen

Hajjar, Joud

Harrison, Rebecca

Kim, Sungjune

Loong, Herbert

Lopez, Juanita

Massard, Christopher

Nardo, Mirella

Roxburgh, Patricia

Peer Reviewers

Adeegbe, Dennis

Ahmed, Jibran

Alahmadi, Asrar

Ameratunga, Malaka

Autio, Karen

Brown, Jacqueline Theresa

Can Guven, Deniz

Chahal, Manik

Chen, Yu-Wei

Conley, Anthony

Derbala, Mohamed

Emam, Mohamed

Falchook, Gerald

Fleischman, Angela

Gouda, Mohamed

Guo, Beibei

Harrison, Rebecca

Jazieh, Abdul Rahman

Jazieh, Khalid

Kim, Sungjune

Kwiatkowski, Evan

Li, Yisheng

Lin, Chia-Chi

Loghavi, Sanam

Majd, Nazanin

McLaren, Alistair

Mitchell, Sandra

Morhard, Robert

Nardo, Mirella

Nazha, Bassel

Ngoi, Natalie

Park, Haeseong

Perez, Bradford

Roxburgh, Patricia

Sanford, Nina Niu

Selek, Uğur

Senturk Yikilmaz, Aysun

Sheshadri, Ajay

Silva, Diogo

Singh, Shambhavi

Stephen, Bettzy

Streicher, Howard

Tapia, Coya

Vieira, Claudia

Vieito Villar, Maria

Westin, Shannon

Xavier, Camila Bragança

Xu, Mingxuan

Yang, Eddy

Youssef, Michael

Zarifa, Abdulrazzak

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