As Editor-in-Chief of International Surgery, I take this opportunity to address the convening of the 43rd World Scientific Congress of the International College of Surgeons at the Patalya Thermal Resort Hotel, Ankara, Turkey, on November 7 - 9, 2023.

As the 43rd World Congress convenes in Ankara, Turkey, the four missions of the College will be fulfilled, in that scientific research data will be presented for discussion, communicated, and used as a basis for later teaching, all of which provides the basis for leadership.

Being a working Section in the College provides the opportunity to participate in the World Congress in Patalya, Turkey. We encourage surgeons to publish papers presented at the World Congress in International Surgery. To send your manuscripts to International Surgery, please click on Should you have any questions, please contact the Managing Director, International Surgery, at [email protected].

We hope that all of you will take advantage of this opportunity. If not a current Fellow in the International College of Surgeons, please join us as a new Fellow.

I welcome any questions or comments that you may have.


Professor Christopher Chen


International Surgery