Texaco Brazil S.A. (TBSA), a ChevronTexaco Company, is a far reaching operation consisting of ten company owned bulk plants and one joint venture/company operated bulk plant. Five of these bulk plants are located in the southern half of the Country and are not near any major bodies of water. The other six bulk plants, including the joint venture facility, are located in the northern half of the Country either within the Amazon Basin or on the Atlantic coast: All have waterfront transfer operations. (See Figures 1 and 2) In addition, TBSA transports product, including heavy fuel oil, upon the Amazon River system using third party bulk barges. This paper examines the systematic process being used by TBSA Health, Environment & Safety (HES) personnel to develop and implement an improved emergency response program. The paper concentrates on the six bulk plants with waterfront transfer operations; however the program covers all facilities.

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