In a continuous effort to improve oil spill management, the Ninth Coast Guard District is utilizing a Geographic Information System (GIS) to integrate data, coordinate information, and implement actions with incident planning and response. During an incident, initial team goals are to minimize response times in order to more effectively bring resources to bear thus creating a more effective outcome, which reduce impacts and overall costs. The Ninth Coast Guard District's GIS system enables the user to make informed, quick decisions during an incident by diminishing the guesswork of the response action process. During the planning phase, and for specific areas, several objectives can be completed prior to the actual incident in order to assist in decision-making when an incident occurs. Some of these objectives include 1.) The integration of the Incident Command System,2.) Development of an Incident Action Plan, 3.) Pre-approved on-water and shoreline removal strategies, 4.) The use of Shoreline Pre-Impact Assessment Team (SPIAT) information. Finally, the GIS allows effective assimilation of field data and information as it becomes available thus providing the response team efforts with an accurate and up-to-the-minute picture of actual conditions. The Ninth Coast Guard District is continually conforming to and taking advantage of the latest technology offered. Our goal is to meet the ever-changing response methodologies and enhance the multifaceted resources available to the responder. Involvement from all stakeholders including federal, state, tribal, local and from the private sector undoubtedly helps drive a very effective environmental and economical response.